Photo by CC user Varun s on wikimedia commons
Is your business doing all it can to ring-up sales this year?
If you have an Ecommerce business, the opportunities for increased revenue are endless, especially in today’s tech-driven consumer world.
Unfortunately, some business owners hold themselves back by not wanting to take the time to learn how an Ecommerce setup works. As a result, they miss out on increased revenue streams, streams that can make the difference between an average business and an out of this world business.
With that being the case, are you ready to take advantage of all the opportunities an Ecommerce approach can bring to your brand?
Get Onboard the Ecommerce Train Today
So that your business can reap the rewards of Ecommerce, move forward with the following initiatives:
- Website – First and foremost, make sure your website is properly positioned for Ecommerce business. Nothing is more frustrating to online shoppers than having to navigate a sloppy and/or broken website. Look to your website and its functionality, checking to see if there are any hiccups along the way. If you are finding broken links, hard to navigate pages, make sure to clean those problems up as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will pick up the reputation of having a website that is not worth one’s time visiting as consumers are looking for easy ecommerce transactions;
- Imagery and Descriptions – How you display your products and services for sale or rent on your site is imperative too. If the images are hard to see, the descriptions don’t always make sense, you again run the danger of losing potential transactions. Always put images that are positive on your site when including people. For example, if your Ecommerce site sells tools for home repairs, don’t have an image of an unhappy consumer doing a repair at home. Typically, you can run images of the items you offer without people, but some sites like to put a human face to such pictures. That is fine; just remember pictures of positive people do much better than the unhappy ones. Also make sure any descriptions of items (what they do, prices etc.) are easy to read and make sense. Another no-no is putting up information on your site that has consumers asking more questions and receiving fewer answers. Lastly, make sure the images and copy align with one another. If you have a picture of a lawnmower and the description is for a hedge trimmer, consumers are going to wonder what else might be wrong on your site. Simply put, review your Ecommerce efforts regularly to make sure everything make sense;
- Stress security – While millions of consumers make online purchases on a daily basis, there are still those out there who are a little timid about such shopping. The main fear is that one’s personal financial information is going to be compromised by an identity theft thief. To ease the fears of such consumers, stress to them that your site uses the latest in software programs to prevent against such thefts from happening in the first place. The same holds true if you are making mobile sales with consumer smartphones etc. Even the slightest reason for concern can make some consumers hesitant to purchase online or with their mobile devices. Your goal as a business owner is to set all of those fears aside;
- Socialize the sale – Lastly, use social media to your advantage in promoting the fact your offer Ecommerce sales. Turn to your social networks where you are hopefully present, those including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Let consumers know that your Ecommerce sales are doing great. You can also offer those who will shop your Ecommerce site opportunities for rewards, special deals etc. Doing so gives them incentive to use your site, along with alerting friends and family to shop there too. As more and more shoppers head for online shopping and ultimately purchases, your brand needs to be right there to cash-in on all the sale opportunities.
With all the Ecommerce Opportunities, you would be all but silly to pass them up.
Start today by focusing on your Ecommerce options if you are not already.
In no time soon, the rewards could be endless.